Photographer, Music Composer, Poet, Etc…

Commercial and a Documentary film maker by profession. Basically from India, but for the past 15 years is settled in Dubai, UAE. Has achieved hands on experience in various aspects of Art forms . Composed a new Genre of music called Synthphonic Program Music for the album – Gajaayana – A Wild Walk. Wrote a bilingual poetry book – PeKromm – A collection of Scribbles and Sound, published by Partridge Publication, Singapore.


1. Kerala Lalithakala Art Gallery, Calicut, India – Sept. 23 to Sept. 29, 2014.

2. Kerala Lalithakala Art Gallery, Trichur, India – Oct. 2 to Oct. 8, 2014.
3. Kerala Lalithakala Art Gallery, Ernakulam, India – Oct. 11 to Oct. 18, 2014.

4. Kerala Lalithakala Art Gallery, Trivandrum, India – Oct. 21 to Oct. 27, 2014.

5. The Majlis Gallery, Dubai, UAE – Oct. 24 to Nov. 26, 2015.

6. Kerala Lalithakala Art Gallery, Calicut, India – Dec. 15 to 30, 2015.

7. Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai, India – Jan. 15 to 21, 2016.


1. The Big Picture Art Exhibition, Pro Art Gallery, Dubai, UAE. May. 2015.

2. Jamini Roy Art Gallery, Kolkata, India. Sept. 2015.

3. New York Biennale Art – Oct – Nov. 2015.
4. The Majlis Gallery, Dubai, UAE – Jan – April 2020.

5. World Art Dubai, UAE – 8 October – 2020


1. Installed sculpture of renowned Sculptor Mr. Jacek Tylicki (Polland) at Calicut, Kerala. INDIA. Dec. 2015.


1. PeKromm – A Bilingual (English and Malayalam) book on poetries. Published by Partridge Publication, Singapore. 2017.