Surreal Photos of Elephants Gajaayana Images(Signature Version)


All images will show a Title and Artist’s  Signature on the Right low corner. For the ACP and Acrylic, it will be Embossed in 3D.

For ACP and Acrylic, a pair of Hangers having the size of 1 Feet in length and 5mm thickness are provided along with screws. 

Original Images are shown in the slider. Image Quality will be the best of its class, but the Color may vary on your monitors.


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Surreal Photos of Elephants

surreal photos of elephant – Gaj images are a few uncommon angles, depicting the struggle and agony of the Elephants.

For Acrylic and ACP there will be 2 hangers; which will balance the weight equally, for longer life.

Acrylicacp 3